Food Bank
God has provided resources for us to distribute food to our neighbors. Twice each month we offer a free food distribution from the pantry that we operate in conjunction with Kalamazoo Youth For Christ. Distribution days are usually the first Friday (starting at 3:00 pm) and the third Saturday (starting at 11:00 am) of each month. Please check our calendar for current information.
Neighborhood Meals
On the first Wednesday of each month, 6:00 pm, we host a free meal to get to know our neighbors and so our neighbors can get to know us. In the winter months Soup Suppers offer-up many different homemade soup choices. In the warm summer months, hotdogs or hamburgers are on the menu for our outdoor Cookouts.
Home Groups
Our Home Groups encourage deeper relationships between church members and friends through Bible study, book reading, or common interests. Home Groups meet for several weeks at a time, and subjects and activities vary. Please contact the church for current information.